Gene Policinski

Senior Fellow for the First Amendment

Gene Policinski is the senior fellow for the First Amendment at the Freedom Forum, where he writes, lectures and speaks on an array of First Amendment topics. His work often focuses on press freedom and free speech issues, including whistleblower protections, data privacy and the intersection of news coverage and courts. He regularly contributes to the Freedom Forum’s “First Five” series, has been published in several law review journals and wrote a chapter on press freedom in the American Bar Association book “Whistleblowers, Leaks and the First Amendment.” He is also the author of a new book, “From the Village Green to the Village Screen,” which explores the evolution of First Amendment law, customs and social mores. Since arriving at the Freedom Forum in 1996, Policinski has served in many roles including as executive director of the First Amendment Center, president of the Diversity Institute and chief operating officer of the Freedom Forum Institute, among others. He was a founding editor of USA Today.

Gene Policinski


  • Member, Journal-isms Board of Directors
  • Member, News Leaders Association
  • Member, Society of Professional Journalists
  • Member, Ball State University Dean’s Council, College of Communications, Information and Media


B.S. Ball State University

Articles by This Expert

Harper’s Weekly, October 5, 1871

Humor, Satire: Making the Political ‘Cut,’ From Our Earliest Days

The great American tradition of humor and satire that has marked virtually every election season.
Voter Registration Day

You Have a Right to Speak, Assemble, Petition — So Now, Register to Vote

What good are our rights to freely seek change from government if we can’t choose the people in government?
Edmund Pettus Bridge

U.S. Rep. John Lewis: A First Amendment Champion

Few people in history have so exemplified the hopes of the nation’s founders that the First Amendment would enable future generations to make this country a better place.

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