2025 Al Neuharth Free Spirit and Journalism Conference

All-Expenses-Paid Trip To Washington, D.C.

June 22-27, 2025

Network Growing
Head Start On Your Future

High School Juniors



Workplace Integrity: Train the Trainers Workshop


The Power Shift Project invites media leaders to sign up today for the next virtual Workplace Integrity: Train the Trainers workshop and join our corps of more than 400 Workplace Integrity trainers dedicated to improving the culture and integrity of their newsrooms.


Workplace Integrity: Do You Qualify as an Ally?


Join the Power Shift Project team for a free one-hour Workplace Integrity webinar that provides practical insights for men who want to be allies to women, people of privilege who want to do more to fight inequity, and powerful individuals who want to be better advocates for change.


Workplace Integrity: Train the Trainers Workshop


The Power Shift Project invites media leaders to sign up today for the next virtual Workplace Integrity: Train the Trainers workshop and join our corps of more than 400 Workplace Integrity trainers dedicated to improving the culture and integrity of their newsrooms.

$225 – $700

2023 Free Expression Awards

Union Station 50 Massachusetts Ave. NE, Washington, DC

The Freedom Forum invites you to celebrate outstanding champions of free and fearless expression. 


Workplace Integrity: Do You Qualify as an Ally?


Join the Power Shift Project team for a free one-hour Workplace Integrity webinar that provides practical insights for men who want to be allies to women, people of privilege who want to do more to fight inequity, and powerful individuals who want to be better advocates for change.


2023 First Amendment Festival

The Wharf – Transit Pier 970 Wharf St. SW, Washington, DC, United States

Join us for the 2023 First Amendment Festival at The Wharf in Washington, D.C.


National First Amendment Summit

National Constitution Center 525 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

The National Constitution Center, in partnership with a coalition of leading free speech organizations, is convening a National First Amendment Summit to discuss the increasing threats to freedom of expression…

You have a right to complain to the government.